Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sorry, I don't mean it. ]:

QUEST Sports Day 2009


Today was still alright. I was selected for the duty on the prize presentation. Don't like it! >: (
I have to stand under the hot sun for the whole morning. ): My face blushed, I mean, not that kind of blush. ( you know what I mean when I say blushed under the hot sun) and I've got a bad headache. >: (
Never mind, it's already over, so I wont dwell on it anymore. [:
I won't elaborate much on sports day as I know that people of QUEST would blog about it./ (;
Overall, this year house champion goes to STRATHMORE.
Went to watch Coming soon with 5B's mates./
Rating, 7/10. I was seating beside Nicole. Guess what, we both scream the hell out of us. I didn't had a great time inside. ): I can't stop to complain! HAHAH.
Thereafter, home-d./

I'm having a bad headache now. Gotta rest early. Tomorrow got guides camp. See ya on saturday! (:

I leave you with some pictures. (:

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